March 6, 2024/Galleries

TOPICS: MOEBA Constitution and Bylaws, Queen Rearing speaker Mandy Wilson

Queen Rearing
Speaker – Mandy Wilson
Mandy is a queen breeder from Port Stanley where she operates her business Sticky Fingers Honey N Herb. She has attended Niagara College’s Commercial Beekeeping Course and has worked for well known queen breeder Alison Van Alten at Tuckamore before starting her own business. Mandy is going to give us some helpful tips for those who may be considering raising their own queens and bring some equipment to show.

Club Business – proposed Constitution and ByLaws
Reminder to make a plan for your spring management- monitoring, mite treatments, antibiotics

Beekeeper’s Corner:
Native Bees- Rob Blair

Meeting is at 7:00pm at the  Dorchester Library 2123 Dorchester Rd, Dorchester, ON 

Learn more about ORHBS here:

Gallery of MOEBA Meeting March 28, 2024

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